GET api/ApplicationType?EmailAddress={EmailAddress}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
EmailAddress | string |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
ApplicationUserName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FirstName | string |
None. |
LastName | string |
None. |
FullName | string |
None. |
DateOfBirth | date |
None. |
OccupationFK | integer |
None. |
Gender | string |
None. |
CountryFK | integer |
None. |
Address | string |
None. |
StateFK | integer |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsViaPopUps | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsViaEmail | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsViaSMS | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsForRating | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsForNewsAndAnnoucements | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsForNewsletter | boolean |
None. |
IsAllowNotificationsForMonthlyAccountStatement | boolean |
None. |
IsDeleted | boolean |
None. |
TimeStamp | date |
None. |
Location | string |
None. |
DisplayName | string |
None. |
CountryCode | string |
None. |
ReasonforClose | string |
None. |
ClosedOn | date |
None. |
LastActivity | date |
None. |
SessionID | string |
None. |
WritingAllowed | integer |
None. |
MarkerStatusFK | integer |
None. |
LastTestGivenAt | date |
None. |
RecordNo | integer |
None. |
OrganizationFK | integer |
None. |
string |
None. |
EmailConfirmed | boolean |
None. |
PasswordHash | string |
None. |
SecurityStamp | string |
None. |
PhoneNumber | string |
None. |
PhoneNumberConfirmed | boolean |
None. |
TwoFactorEnabled | boolean |
None. |
LockoutEndDateUtc | date |
None. |
LockoutEnabled | boolean |
None. |
AccessFailedCount | integer |
None. |
Roles | Collection of IdentityUserRole |
None. |
Claims | Collection of IdentityUserClaim |
None. |
Logins | Collection of IdentityUserLogin |
None. |
Id | string |
None. |
UserName | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "FirstName": "sample string 1", "LastName": "sample string 2", "FullName": "sample string 3", "DateOfBirth": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "OccupationFK": 1, "Gender": "sample string 4", "CountryFK": 1, "Address": "sample string 5", "StateFK": 1, "IsAllowNotificationsViaPopUps": true, "IsAllowNotificationsViaEmail": true, "IsAllowNotificationsViaSMS": true, "IsAllowNotificationsForRating": true, "IsAllowNotificationsForNewsAndAnnoucements": true, "IsAllowNotificationsForNewsletter": true, "IsAllowNotificationsForMonthlyAccountStatement": true, "IsDeleted": true, "TimeStamp": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "Location": "sample string 15", "DisplayName": "sample string 16", "CountryCode": "sample string 17", "ReasonforClose": "sample string 18", "ClosedOn": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "LastActivity": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "SessionID": "sample string 19", "WritingAllowed": 20, "MarkerStatusFK": 1, "LastTestGivenAt": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "RecordNo": 21, "OrganizationFK": 1, "Email": "sample string 22", "EmailConfirmed": true, "PasswordHash": "sample string 24", "SecurityStamp": "sample string 25", "PhoneNumber": "sample string 26", "PhoneNumberConfirmed": true, "TwoFactorEnabled": true, "LockoutEndDateUtc": "2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00", "LockoutEnabled": true, "AccessFailedCount": 30, "Roles": [], "Claims": [], "Logins": [], "Id": "sample string 31", "UserName": "sample string 32" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ApplicationUser xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccessFailedCount xmlns="">30</AccessFailedCount> <Email xmlns="">sample string 22</Email> <EmailConfirmed xmlns="">true</EmailConfirmed> <Id xmlns="">sample string 31</Id> <LockoutEnabled xmlns="">true</LockoutEnabled> <LockoutEndDateUtc xmlns="">2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00</LockoutEndDateUtc> <PasswordHash xmlns="">sample string 24</PasswordHash> <PhoneNumber xmlns="">sample string 26</PhoneNumber> <PhoneNumberConfirmed xmlns="">true</PhoneNumberConfirmed> <SecurityStamp xmlns="">sample string 25</SecurityStamp> <TwoFactorEnabled xmlns="">true</TwoFactorEnabled> <UserName xmlns="">sample string 32</UserName> <Address>sample string 5</Address> <ClosedOn xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:DateTime>2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993Z</d2p1:DateTime> <d2p1:OffsetMinutes>0</d2p1:OffsetMinutes> </ClosedOn> <CountryCode>sample string 17</CountryCode> <CountryFK>1</CountryFK> <DateOfBirth>2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00</DateOfBirth> <DisplayName>sample string 16</DisplayName> <FirstName>sample string 1</FirstName> <FullName>sample string 3</FullName> <Gender>sample string 4</Gender> <IsAllowNotificationsForMonthlyAccountStatement>true</IsAllowNotificationsForMonthlyAccountStatement> <IsAllowNotificationsForNewsAndAnnoucements>true</IsAllowNotificationsForNewsAndAnnoucements> <IsAllowNotificationsForNewsletter>true</IsAllowNotificationsForNewsletter> <IsAllowNotificationsForRating>true</IsAllowNotificationsForRating> <IsAllowNotificationsViaEmail>true</IsAllowNotificationsViaEmail> <IsAllowNotificationsViaPopUps>true</IsAllowNotificationsViaPopUps> <IsAllowNotificationsViaSMS>true</IsAllowNotificationsViaSMS> <IsDeleted>true</IsDeleted> <LastActivity xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:DateTime>2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993Z</d2p1:DateTime> <d2p1:OffsetMinutes>0</d2p1:OffsetMinutes> </LastActivity> <LastName>sample string 2</LastName> <LastTestGivenAt>2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00</LastTestGivenAt> <Location>sample string 15</Location> <MarkerStatusFK>1</MarkerStatusFK> <OccupationFK>1</OccupationFK> <OrganizationFK>1</OrganizationFK> <ReasonforClose>sample string 18</ReasonforClose> <RecordNo>21</RecordNo> <SessionID>sample string 19</SessionID> <StateFK>1</StateFK> <TimeStamp>2025-01-11T17:04:55.3526993+00:00</TimeStamp> <WritingAllowed>20</WritingAllowed> </ApplicationUser>